Our Goal
Cuddebackville and Huguenot in Deerpark, Orange County, NY aren’t quiet rural communities anymore. Noise from the Oakland Valley Race Park (OVRP) is destroying our quality of life: we can’t enjoy our own homes, gardens, and yards in peace. Spring through fall the loud buzzing, squealing and roaring reverberates throughout the Oakland Valley for miles around. Such regulations as exist are outdated and inadequate; the size, scale and power of vehicles running is so much larger than when these rules were Put in place. Not just our quality of life, the OVRP’s noise pollution activity damages the real estate value of our homes and properties. We ask that the owners and riders who use the racetrack be respectful to those who live nearby, to use effective silencers and mufflers and to build noise barriers. We ask that the Town update and enforce local noise ordinances.
Sign Our Petition to encourage the Deerpark Town Government to Consider the Basic Rghts of their Constituents.
Update and Enforce Noise Ordinances for the Town of Deerpark
Require OVRP to install/Require Silencers/Effective Mufflers for all their riders.
Require OVRP install effective, functional noise barriers.
Demand Government to enact and enforce these regulations.